New Beginnings

Resentments are the blocks that hold us back from loving ourselves and others.

Resentments do not punish the other person; they punish us. They become barriers to feeling good and enjoying life. They prevent us from being in harmony with the world. Resentments are hardened chunks of anger. They loosen up and dissolve with forgiveness and letting go.Letting go of resentments does not mean we allow the other person to do anything to us that he or she wants. It means we accept what happened in the past, and we set boundaries for the future. We can let go of resentments and still have boundaries!We try to see the good in the person, or the good that ultimately evolved from whatever incident we feel resentful about. We try to see our part.Then we put the incident to rest.Praying for those we resent helps. Asking God to take our resentments from us helps too.What better way to begin a new year than by cleaning the slate of the past, and entering this one free of resentments.Higher Power, help me become ready to let go of my resentments. Bring any resentments that are hidden within me, and blocking me, to the surface.

Show me what I need to do to take care of myself by letting go of resentments, and then help me do that.

From the book: The Language of Letting Go: Hazelden Meditation Series


Perseverance - Day 2


Perseverance - Day 1