The grieF club puzzle #1


  1. In the puzzle, find and circle each word in the list to the puzzle’s left. Words may appear forwards or backwards and horizontally, vertically or diagonally in either direction. Circled words may intersect; using the same letter in multiple answers.

  2. Don’t let the puzzles deceive you; they may be more challenging than they look.

  3. When you’ve correctly circled all words in the list, the Mystery Sentence appears in all the leftover (not circled) letters in the exact order they appear in the puzzle, moving from left to right and top to bottom.


Beattie, Blame, Brain, Breath, Broken, Change, Child, Club, Control, Crying, Dead, Destroyed, Disease, Doctor, Emotions, Empty, Family, Feelings, Grief, Healing, Heart, Help, Hope, Husband, Illusion, Kids, Life, Melody, Miracle, Mistake, Nester, Old, Saved, Secret, Shane, Son, Stranger, Transformation, Transition, Twelve, Welcome, Year


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Journey to the Heart Puzzle #1